Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What Is Computer Programming ?

Computer programming in plain language, is giving instructions to a computer to do something. Technically it is actually giving instructions to the microprocessor - the brain of a computer. If the instructions are only for the microprocessor, why a computer is so complicated with numerous types of hardware accessories? All the other hardware are to support the function of feeding the instructions to the microprocessor, and conveying the result from the microprocessor to its user - which can be a human or another computer or hardware. Every time you want a computer to do something you have to give the instructions. Luckily people are smart enough to figure out that since we might want the computer to repeat the same process over and over again, we better store the instructions into a permanent storage - hard disk, CD, flash memory etc. The stored instructions are called COMPUTER PROGRAM or computer software and the act of arranging the instructions is called COMPUTER PROGRAMMING and the person that is responsible to arrange the instructions is called .....COMPUTER PROGRAMMER you see the pattern here? On the lowest level, a microprocessor only understands a limited set of instructions. To a microprocessor the instruction sets and data are read in “binary” form. Binary means 2 states – such as in on and off, high and low, left and right. To make it easier mathematically, binary normally is represented by 1 and 0. Electrically, 1 represents high voltage and 0 represents low voltage. On the hard disk, program instructions look just like a stream of 1s and 0s. But a microprocessor reads in the stream one chunk at a time. Among normal chunk sizes are 8, 16, and 32. Chunk size is normally referred to as instruction size. One binary data (that can be a 1 or a 0) is called a “bit”. For example a data “1001” is a 4 bit data. Where first bit is 1, second bit is 0, third bit is another 0 and the fourth bit is 1. Bit is the computer terminology for “chunk”.How instructions can be represented by bits?One bit data can only represent 1 out of 2 possible states – either 1 or 0. Which in real world can be used to represent things such as on or off, high or low, black or white – any 2 states condition? If we increase the instruction size to 2 bits, then we can represent 4 instructions – 00, or 01, or 10 or 11. If we increase the size to 3 bits then we can represent 8 possible instructions – 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110 and 111 If you notice the trend from the above examples is that maximum possible number of instructions is the power of 2 of the bit size. That is 2 bits can represent maximum of 2^2 (which is 4) instructions, and 3 bits can represent maximum of 2^3 (which is 2x2x2 = 8) instructions. So 8 bits data can represent maximum of 2^8 (2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 256) instructions (or states) and 32 bits data can represent 2^32 (4,294,967,296) instructions. You can actually read a program stream contents using certain editor – normally called HEX editor. Using these special text editors you can look at the instructions in binary, hexadecimal, octal, and decimal format. I’ll cover the details of what each of the above format (hex, oct and dec) means in other article.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why Build Your Own Gaming Computer?

Why Build Your Own Gaming Computer?
The best way to get the gaming computer that you want, that will provide optimum performance is to build your own computer. If you think you do not have the technical knowledge or are not capable of building a computer you are wrong. I'm pretty certain that I could teach my mother (who has a hard time working a VCR) how to build a computer. If you can plug a sweeper into a wall outlet and use a screw driver, you too can build a computer.What The Computer Manufacturers Don't Want You to Know!Manufacturers don't want you to know how easy it is to build a computer because they make their living selling complete computers. The truth is that manufacturers focus on selling a computer with an overall low price tag to entice people to buy. They use the processor and software as the primary selling point. In most cases other than the processor and maybe the graphics card you have no idea what components they actually use. Alienware is one of the rare exceptions. They tell you for the most, part what components they are using. However, this doesn't mean that these are the best components on the market. Every manufacturer gets regular visits from sales people convincing them that they should use their products. Just because a company gives them the best deal on a power supply that allows them to increase their profit margin on the computers they sell doesn't make it the best power supply. This often leads to the use of inferior products for the sake of profit.The Advantages To Building Your Own ComputerBy building your own computer you are assured of getting the highest quality because you have painstakingly researched every component. If you've ever wondered why your store bought gaming computer with the top of the line graphics card and ultra fast CPU is still having trouble running newer games, it is likely because they stuck you with an inferior power supply, cheap motherboard, inadequate RAM, and the list goes on. In my mind it makes sense to build your own computer.Warranties and Technical SupportIf you are worried about warranties, you need not be. In most cases you can get a manufacturers warranty on every component you buy. As for technical support, I've had much better luck with getting questions answered through friendly helpful forums on the internet than I ever have from technical support lines. Not to mention you don't have to pay to sit on hold.Upgrades Are Painless And FastWhen you build your own computer upgrades are a snap. You've already put it together so switching a hard drive or changing the graphics card is extremely easy. For instance I just upgraded my graphics card. It took me longer to unplug everything from the back of my tower than it did to swap the graphics card. All in all I was up and running with the new drivers installed in about 10 minutes. If you are impatient like I am taking your machine to a store to have it upgraded just isn't worth the wait.How To Build Your Own ComputerI hope I've convinced you to build your own computer. It is a very rewarding experience. As I've said it isn't very difficult. I do however recommend that you do your research. There are several good books published on the topic such as "Build Your Own PC", by Morris Rosenthal. You can also find a great deal of information regarding building computers and computer hardware at my website, a site that provides computer hardware reviews, buying guides, and tutorials on building computers.


Sunday, April 12, 2009


Most people refuse to believe they need it. After all, their computer is in their office or home and only turned on by them. They no longer use diskettes and their e-mail is checked with the latest and greatest virus checker.

Just try to advise your Boss, Mom, Dad, brother or sister that someone could hack into their home or office computer and look at their files. Watch their reaction. Most of them will say: “Well if someone really wants to take the time to view my files, let them. I have nothing of value on that computer anyway.” This is the same reaction consultants receive from clients.

So nothing of value is on your computer? What about Turbo Tax? If you did your taxes last year, then your social security number is on your computer. If you do online banking, then your bank account is on your computer. What about your financial statement, your genealogy, your passwords? Oh, you have passwords on your Accounting Files! Ha! Check out

So now let’s talk about the real world. Okay, a phone line, or DSL or Cable line is a TWO WAY FLOW. There’s a key word here, a TWO WAY FLOW! Now you think in a skeptic way, that this article is going to give you scare tactics so it can sell you on the latest and greatest virus checker. Nope, to plug the security leaks in your computer is absolutely free. You don’t even have to pay for shipping, keep reading.

If it’s free, then why didn’t my computer consultant tell me about it? You wouldn’t believe how many updates will need to be installed. My Toshiba Windows XP system is barely 2 years old, and Windows had 49 + 18 + 2 updates. Why do I list them in that manner? First you must install the first 49, then another 18 are found, then an additional 2 more.

These are not just software updates, these are Security Updates. Now you think there is no way; my machine would need all these updates. Besides how bad could this security stuff be anyway? There’s that “I don’t have stuff of value on my machine attitude again.” Okay, with every security patch, Microsoft has issued the following information:

“An issue has been identified that could allow an attacker
to compromise a computer running Windows and gain
complete control over it. You can help protect your
computer by installing this update from Microsoft.”

Still don’t believe? Then see for yourself, and go to www.windowsupdate, and view the updates you haven’t installed. But wait, there’s more! You can order the CD for FREE, totally free; no shipping charges. Where? Go to this website:

I still didn’t fully answer why consultants don’t tell their customers these updates exist. With each update, a client may experience a change or problem. For example, when we installed the Security Update CD a few weeks ago, we could no longer open e-mail attachments. On the web we discovered that when the update installed, it also changed a setting in Outlook Express under Tools, Options, Security. The update put a checkmark on “Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus.” This little checkmark rendered several clients unable to work, because they could no longer open any attachments, On Microsoft’s website, this article appeared:

On another client’s machine, she could no longer open the database in Versa Check Software. That company also had a patch to fix it. However, our clients had to pay for our research to find and fix the problems the updates created. Then it appears to a client, that their consultant has found a way to “once again” hit their pocketbook. We are no longer heroes in this industry. We have now become the villains in league with Microsoft. This has led many consultants to a policy of “if they don’t ask, don’t tell.” But the real truth is: If you do not do the updates, then you become a bigger victim, via a virus, or an identity theft victim! It’s your choice!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Do I Need Anti Virus Software For My Computer?

If you've recently purchased a computer, or are just learning about using email and the internet, you may have heard about computer viruses and anti-virus software. You may be wondering if this is something that you should be concerned about, and if so, what you should do about it. This article will attempt to answer these questions for you.

First, you may be wondering just what a computer virus is. Basically a computer virus is one of many types of small programs that install themselves on your computer without your consent. Usually they enter your program through an email, or while you are browsing a website.

When these programs run, usually without you knowing, they can cause all types of problems with your computer. Some viruses can be mildly annoying, slowing down your computer as they use your computer's resources for another purpose. Others can be very dangerous, collecting your personal information and sending it to another party, or damaging your hard-drive.

True to their name, viruses are able to use your internet connection and email program and send themselves to the computers of other people you know, spreading themselves just like a contagious disease.

Because of this, just like the health of your body, when it comes to computer viruses, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is much easier to prevent viruses from entering your computer than it is to get rid of them and cure your computer once it becomes infected. This is why Anti-Virus software is important.

Once you realize that you need anti-virus software installed and running on your computer, you'll have to choose which one to purchase and install. This can be a complicated process, but here are some tips to make it a bit easier.

First, check your computer to see if it came with anti-virus software. Many new computers are shipped with anti-virus programs already to go on them, you just need to turn them on. Check your instruction manual to see if this is the case with your computer.

Check with the vendor. If you purchased your computer from a local retailer, check with them to see what anti-virus program they recommend. They should be more than willing to help you and may even be able to provide you with a discount since you purchased a computer from them.

Once you have your anti-virus installed and running on your computer, be sure to contact the software's support if you have any questions. It is also important to keep your software updated. Many of these programs will automatically update themselves when you are online. This is very important since new viruses are always appearing and you want to make sure your computer is protected.




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