Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spyware Programs That Slows Down Your Computer System Watch Out For It

Spyware is a program that once loaded on your computer unknowingly collects information from your PC and sends it to another party. The most dangerous types of Spyware programs copies personal information that you would not share with anyone such as passwords, files and credit card numbers.

Other types of spyware programs act as a forced advertising program. The program will track your keystrokes and web surfing habits. Once the program, and company running it, knows your habits they will try to change your web page to get you to go to specific sites and purchase something or surf on their site.

The corporations who create and distribute spyware, get many benefits from their dishonest marketing practices. They can build up a huge database of so called opt-in marketing participants, sell you their own products or terrorize you with unwelcome pop-ups.

They’re counting on the fact that a lot of web surfers don’t know that the program is on their computer. The few that do know that they have spyware programs, don’t know how it got there and how to prevent themselves from getting it again.

Spyware usually get on your computer when you download unverified programs online. Everyone eventually downloads something from the internet. Spyware software is usually attached to some kind of free software. The software could be games, wall paper programs, music files or file swapping software. Most web surfers will not take the time to read the long disclaimers and terms of use that are attached to freebies on the web. This is where you will usually find a line in the agreement that states that extra programs are attached to your free download.

Other time, it is clear that there are extra programs but their purpose and functions are not explicitly explained. Almost any program can be described as a user friendly application to help you enjoy your surfing experience. Make sure that you read the fine print before you download and save anything on your computer.

The best way to combat spyware is to not let it into your computer system. You should never download free software unless you trust the source of the software. You won’t find too many spyware programs coming from the larger, more reputable corporations in our society. They depend on selling real products to make money instead of trickery and stealing your personal data. You should get a copy of several commercial applications that you can use in addition to your AntiVirus software to detect and remove these intrusive software pests.

To find out more about pop-up killers and other spyware removal programs, visit the ebook and information directory at


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Work At Home Computer Jobs Are Numerous In Numbers

Work at home computer jobs is now available in significant numbers. With the Internet, many opportunities have opened up for people to work at home and take care of their families in the process. Most work at home computer jobs are not highly technical jobs that require expensive training. Many of these jobs take advantage of various common skills such as sewing, writing, and teaching.
With a work at home computer job you control your hours. You can work full or part time, whenever you want.

You must be careful when selecting a work at home computer job. There are many companies that seek to rip off their customers and offer high hopes and little else. Be weary of offers that sound too good to be true. They probably are.
Before you invest money in a work at home computer job, be wise and contact the Better Business Bureau or the Small Business Administration for advice on selecting a work at home computer job.

There are work at home computer jobs that use every talent imaginable.
Here are some work at home computer jobs that you may wish to check into: consumer opinions, data entry, freelance artists, legal assistant, medical transcription, translators, and web surfers.

Even though some work at home computer jobs are scams, most are legitimate. Estimates say that approximately 40 million people work at home in some capacity. With the Internet thriving, many of those home jobs are work at home computer jobs. Starting a home computer business will enter you in the ever-expanding e-commerce universe. Business to-business sales over the Internet will account for $2.7 trillion for the year 2004. Consumer products purchased over the Web will exceed $119 billion. With such growth, no wonder more and more people are considering starting a work at home computer job.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Work At Home Computer Jobs Can Give You Flexibility And Freedom!

Work at home computer jobs can be a rewarding and profitable business that you can get in on. If you have a home computer, basic software, and an Internet connection, you can start your own work at home computer job within minutes. Working from home gives you freedom and flexibility to control your own life. Set your own work schedule, be at home for your children when they get out of school. With a work at home computer job, you can start work early in the morning or late at night, whichever you prefer. Your work schedule will be determined by you alone.

Often, work at home computer jobs requires no investment. Some promise “pie in the sky” claims and seem to offer riches beyond belief. Unfortunately, sometimes their claims are. Online scam artists prey on those looking for alternative work opportunities. You may wish to contact the Federal Trade Commission for advice when searching for work at home computer jobs. Legitimate jobs do exist on the Internet that requires no up-front money or huge investments.

Many companies are now offering work at home computer jobs. With so many opportunities, you can have all the benefits of working from the comfort of your own home. One great thing about working at home is the freedom of mobility that you will enjoy. You can live anywhere in the United States and still have a profitable home-based job. Your employer or client may be located hundreds of miles away. With the computer, you can work in your living room in your pajamas if you wish.

Work at home computer jobs is available for almost every skill and talents. Some of the jobs currently being offered include: Internet research, medical transcription, data processing, accounting and bookkeeping, graphic web artists, and proof reading just to name a few. Check on the Internet for other opportunities for work at home computer jobs.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Work From Home And Make Money Online Using Computer

Would you like to Work From Home Using Computer?
If you would like to Work From Home Using Computer then please read on.
It's not as difficult as you might think to Work From Home Using Computer, but you must be very aware of all the lies that will confront you.
If you see Work From Home Using Computer ads such as "Make $100,000 in a month with NO WORK", then please you must understand that these are lies which are just hyped up to make you want to invest your hard earned money.
You can make money from the internet, but probably not by investing in things like these.
The best ways to make money, are to create your own product or service, or create a content rich website and place a few advertisements in there, or you could sell someone else's products through an affiliate program.
Those are the ways that you are likely to earn a nice income, possibly become rich. Hey it happens. Don't believe me? Search for anything you like on google. I guarantee you that most of the websites you find are there to make money some how.
The only ones that aren't are the ones that are made for friends or family members or other personal web pages. All the rest are there to make money or to satisfy the owner of the website to an equal degree.
How are you going to make your money?
Create a product:
Nice and simple. Because the internet is such a vast area, you can sell something about anything and there is more than likely to be a market for it.
Do you have specific knowledge about an area? Then write a digital book about it (Or ebook as it is commonly called) and sell it. Have a hobby? Write about it. Got a child? Write about how to cope with being a parent.
If you have a decent brain in your head, then you have the potential to make an information product.
Create a service:
This is a lot more expensive, depending on what you are doing. Sometimes you will need a programmer to sort out all of the coding for the service. But if you can pull this off, then you should be raking in the dough. However, I would definitely stick to writing an information product first, then once you have accumulated lots of money form this, start a service.
Create a content website:
Creating a content website is cheap to do (If you're doing it yourself), but is very time consuming. However, once you have plenty of content, which is search engine optimized, you can put ads on there and hopefully make a killing.
You can create many pages full of content, then display google's adsense ads on there. This means that you wont have to handle the delivery of the ads yourself, or worry about advertisers not paying.
Create an affiliate website:
This is similar to the above, but without displaying the ads.
Write plenty of optimized articles in a specific area, then go out and find someone with a product, become an affiliate, sell it on your website, and earn a commission.


Your Computer May Be Infected With Spywares

NOTE: Please take time to read on - it may be vital for your PC's security. If you are not in the mood, just save it or print it out for later reference.

A recent research revealed that 80% of the computers today is infected with these dangerous spyware and most of the users not aware of it. (Your computer could fall into this lot too.) The most dangerous fact is, even though the anti-virus software is running, these software can even inactivate them and take over your PC.

Have you experienced any of the following?

  • Awsome popups comes out of nowhere, when browsing the web

  • Home page reset to some other site

How can this happen?

- The components installed when viewing certain sites, starts up and running as soon as it's finished installing (or after the page is completely loaded) and with every windows startup since then. Their job is to collect information and report (or transfer) it to an external computer.

What is deceptive software? (Reference:

Spyware and unauthorized adware are two examples of "deceptive" software. Deceptive software includes programs which take over your home page or search page without first getting your permission. There are a number of ways deceptive software can get on your system. A common trick is to covertly install the software during the installation of other software you want such as a music or video file sharing program.

Whenever you are installing something on your computer, make sure you carefully read all disclosures, including the license agreement and privacy statement. Sometimes the inclusion of adware in a given software installation is documented, but it may appear at the end of a license agreement or privacy statement.

Sometimes deceptive software gets silently installed on your system without any warning at all. If you use Internet Explorer as your Web browser, this can happen if your Internet Explorer security setting is set to its lowest value. Make sure to keep this setting at the medium level or higher. Doing so will help you control what is being installed on your computer.

Have you ever had an experience where you were repeatedly asked to accept a download even after you said "no"? Creators of deceptive software often use such tricks to get you to load their software. If this happens to you, do not click "yes". Instead, try to close the Web page that first asked you to accept the download by hitting the "X" in the corner of the window. Alternatively, quit Internet Explorer and restart it to begin browsing the Internet again. If you visit a Web page that continually displays these tricky pop-up windows, that Web site may not be worthy of your trust.

Your computer may be infected by now, but you may not know. Just have a checkup with a software specifically designed for it, to know the status of your computer. You must clean infections once you find it and the game is not over yet. The spyware might reinfect your PC. So it's highly recommended that you run a firewall on your system after the clean up. This will allow you to monitor every single communication occurs with your computer and block the ones which you feel unnecessary. The firewall acts as a barrier between your PC and the external world (Internet / Network).

A good spyware detector recommended by most people is, and it shows you all the infections and potential dangers in great detail. It's free to scan but not to clean. It's a good idea to have a scan even you have no idea of cleaning, since you know the status of your PC in great detail. This gives two advantages.

Firstly, if there are minor infections and if you have a fair knowledge on registry settings and how to edit them, you may have a try to clean them up. Secondly, if it shows that there are major infections, you can avoid using credit cards and doing other confidential stuff, until you clean it up later.

You must run a firewall. In many new operating systems (eg. Windows XP), there is a built-in firewall. Google search on how to activate it. Others may try one at

You may have a question by now. What is the purpose of these spyware? Even though we cannot give an explicit and clear cut answer, we can safely state that every thing boils down to the urge of more profits. How? The spyware collects all your personal information and transfer it to an external computer. The information is reviewed by a software in the receiving computer and then deleivered targeted popup ads to your PC. There are many things that spyware does in addition to this. The most dangerous of those is that collecting the credit card numbers.

If you have some technical knowledge on your PC, here's a technical explanation on what trouble does the spyware cause.

1. An extra process is running to monitor and log your activities in your PC.

2. Constant transfer is taking place between your PC and the spyware writer's computer.

The first process in it self is an unneeded process and it contributes to slow down your PC. Second is the most harmful. It transfers logged info to the external PC (spyware writer's PC). Then the external PC transfers targeted popups to the infected PC. This, in addition to slowing down your PC because of these extra processes, it also slows down the internet connection, as the bandwidth is shared. In short, PC with a spyware is like a dumping ground for snakes. Once its there and up and running, it can do almost anything with your PC.

Please pass this on to all you know. The most risk is for people who use Internet Explorer, as it is the most popular web browser and that very fact has drawn more attention of many malicious software developers.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Keep Your Computer Virus Free

Computer viruses can and do strike at any moment.
They assault your computer by destroying data,and
rendering your system useless.The very first line of
defense is to boost your knowledge of these well
hidden malicious codes.

Malicious codes come in three basic formulas.Viruses
are small programs that reproduce themselves for the
purpose of causing some damage.

Trojan Horses are disguised as gifts which may come
as an attachment in your email.Once ran its purpose is
to cause do harm to your system as well.

Then you may come in contact with does worms which
cause damage by copying themselves over networks
as wells as individual systems.These codes alters not
just one system but several within a network.

After you enhance your knowledge of malicious code,
know the symptoms of an infected system.Strange
PC behavior,an increase or decrease of data in a file,
pop up messages,random graphics,and files being
deleted are some symptoms of your system having
a virus.

The best way to find and remove viruses is with the
installation popular anti virus software from Norton
or McAfee.These programs readily identify infections
as well as promptly remove them.

Norton Anti vitus installs easy and a configuration
wizard runs after the computer has been re-booted.
This software offers several options that give you
the best virus scanning options.Use the neat update
feature to keep up with all the new viruses.Their user
friendly configuration leave no doubt in what and how
you want this software to perform.

What should you do to prevent virus infection if you
don't have anti virus software installed on your PC?
We should all give a word of thanks for the Internet.
Rush over to one the free virus scanning services
which will scan your hard drive for malicious codes.

Trend Micro's Housecall scans your drive for viruses,
trojans and worms.They ask you to register first but
you can scan without registering.Why not go over to where you can go
Visit Symantec's Security Check site and download
their scan for viruses software which check your PC
for possible infections of any malicious codes.Go to

Don't do it.Don't say,yes,I will get anti virus protection
soon.It will be when you wait one day too many and
realize your computer must have a virus because it is
deleting files,randomly showing graphics,performing
one task when it should be performing another task,
and other strange things.Take the time or invest the
money for virus protection right now.




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