Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Why Do I Need Anti Virus Software For My Computer?

If you've recently purchased a computer, or are just learning about using email and the internet, you may have heard about computer viruses and anti-virus software. You may be wondering if this is something that you should be concerned about, and if so, what you should do about it. This article will attempt to answer these questions for you.

First, you may be wondering just what a computer virus is. Basically a computer virus is one of many types of small programs that install themselves on your computer without your consent. Usually they enter your program through an email, or while you are browsing a website.

When these programs run, usually without you knowing, they can cause all types of problems with your computer. Some viruses can be mildly annoying, slowing down your computer as they use your computer's resources for another purpose. Others can be very dangerous, collecting your personal information and sending it to another party, or damaging your hard-drive.

True to their name, viruses are able to use your internet connection and email program and send themselves to the computers of other people you know, spreading themselves just like a contagious disease.

Because of this, just like the health of your body, when it comes to computer viruses, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is much easier to prevent viruses from entering your computer than it is to get rid of them and cure your computer once it becomes infected. This is why Anti-Virus software is important.

Once you realize that you need anti-virus software installed and running on your computer, you'll have to choose which one to purchase and install. This can be a complicated process, but here are some tips to make it a bit easier.

First, check your computer to see if it came with anti-virus software. Many new computers are shipped with anti-virus programs already to go on them, you just need to turn them on. Check your instruction manual to see if this is the case with your computer.

Check with the vendor. If you purchased your computer from a local retailer, check with them to see what anti-virus program they recommend. They should be more than willing to help you and may even be able to provide you with a discount since you purchased a computer from them.

Once you have your anti-virus installed and running on your computer, be sure to contact the software's support if you have any questions. It is also important to keep your software updated. Many of these programs will automatically update themselves when you are online. This is very important since new viruses are always appearing and you want to make sure your computer is protected.
About the Author

Angie Noack is a business strategist with a sharp edge for technology. With her unique ability to combine these two skills, she's able to help businesses save time and increase profits. You can find her online at>


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why More Women Consider a Career in Computer Programming

Everyone knows that computer programming is a heavily male-dominated field. I think this is unfortunate. Over the years, I've come to conclude that there is a great deal that women can contribute to this field.

Why is computer programming regarded as a primarily masculine discipline? I think that in part, it's because men have a reputation for being more likely to tinker around with gadgets and gizmos. In part, it's also because computer science is supposedly a very math-oriented field, and men are supposedly more inclined toward mathematical disciplines.

(Incidentally, I know that such generalizations would offend certain people. I'd like to emphasize that this is not my intent at all, nor do I wish to make excessively broad generalizations about either gender. However, a multitude of psychological studies do claim that men have-on the average-a greater aptitude for mathematics and mechanics than women do, whereas women tend to perform better at linguistics and communication. These tendencies coincide well with my own observations, so for now, I'll assume that these studies are reasonable descriptions of gender differences.)

Anyway, people often claim that men make better programmers because they are more mathematically inclined. Personally, I disagree. It is true that computer science is very much mathematical in nature; however, computer programming often is not. It's true that a software developer should understand basic concepts such as binary computations, round-off error and Boolean logic; however, for most programming tasks, there is little need for calculus, group theory or other advanced mathematical topics. For this reason, I think that the importance of a strong mathematical aptitude is largely overblown.

Indeed, I think that linguistic skill is decidedly more important. I'd say that in years past, about 90% of the programmers that I encountered produced sloppy code-software that is clumsily structured, poorly documented and difficult to understand. I've also noticed a strong correlation between linguistic skill and the ability to generate clean, legible code. And why not? Computer languages are, after all, just that-languages. It's thus reasonable to expect that someone with a strong language aptitude will-on the average-produce cleaner, more understandable code than someone whose language skills are lackluster.

That is one reason why I wish more women would pursue a programming career. If it is indeed true that women have better language skills, then they are likely to perform well with computer languages as well. Again, this jibes well with my own experiences. I haven't known many female programmers, but most of the ones that I do know have produced some rather outstanding work. (To be fair, I've also known some lousy female programmers; however, these individuals had little passion for their field, and only entered it for the sake of a paycheck. That's a pretty good recipe for mediocrity, regardless of one's gender.)

Breaking into this field may not be easy. I'm sure that many women will have to combat the prejudiced notion that software development is a man's field, and that female programmers are mere dilettantes. Still, it is my earnest hope that more women will make their marks in this arena. If they have the right passion for this field, and if they understand their strengths, then I believe that they have much to offer.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Computer Business Opportunity Provide Huge Profit Potential!

Many different ways to make money in the Computer Business Opportunity field. If you own a computer, you are part of the future. Home based and computer based businesses are popping up every hour in just about every field. Many professionals are now taking advantage of the knowledge they have gained in the corporate world and translating it into their own business from home. The question now is not what do you do for a living, but what skills do you have for sale.

The Computer Business Opportunity field, home based businesses, and have all gotten some negative feedback in the past. Even five years ago, people were being scammed and separated from their money by early "work from home businesses" who were out to make a quick buck selling off an idea or cheesy product. Now, however, there are more and more legitimate jobs in the computer business opportunity field than ever. Scams are still out there, so be careful what you get into.

Outsourcing and work from home opportunities are becoming a common way of life in many corporate circles. For example, virtual office assistants will do typing, transcription, memos and other necessary office administration duties, straight from home. This is often called telecommuting. Documents and files can be emailed, phone calls are minimal, and with the newer PDA's messaging can be instant. For the home worker, the benefits of such a position are invaluable - better pay, fewer hours away from home, no worrying over the rising cost of gasoline, no traffic jams twice a day, and no costly wardrobe.

In the computer business opportunity field the home based computer worker will have a few extra responsibilities that are usually taken care of by a regular employer. Working from home means you are responsible for your own taxes, insurance, and saving for retirement. These are all very easily taken care of with a little research. The benefits of managing your own home based computer business will far out weigh the extra attention you will have to give to your own payroll.

For the company that is outsourcing, the benefits are just as great. With no office space to rent, no employees to manage, no benefits packages to administer, no vacations to pay or wasted time with office politics and drama. Corporations of all sizes stand to benefit from outsourcing to someone in the computer business opportunity field. The competition for such positions is great enough that you will often find companies outsourcing simply to get better quality of work for a better price.

There are dozens of other opportunities in the computer business opportunity field that do not require terrific office skills. The sales industry is also outsourcing a great deal of its market as well. Anyone with sales experience can work as a salesperson, consultant, or open their own product line from the ease of their home. This often can pay better than the commissions some companies pay. With the rising cost of expenses, even working part time for your self on the computer can be very profitable to earn extra money.

Computer consulting business opportunities abound on the Internet. If your have design or web content experience, you are in a field rich with home based business opportunities. Freelancing and contract work are often more popular these days due to the high cost of maintaining qualified people in these specialized fields. Web site design is a competitive but lucrative computer business opportunity due to the dramatic increase in Internet usage by small businesses to promote their products and services.

Of course, there are other profitable endeavors such as survey taking, affiliate programs, writing copy for advertising, graphic design, computer repair business, and many more fields. With all the jobs out there, you should not have trouble translating your current skills into a profitable home based computer business. The Computer Business Opportunity field is the way of the future!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Are You Making Any Money With Your Computer Yet?

Starting a home based business is a fantastic way to earn additional income part time or full. You can build a six figure or higher residual income using your home computer and a few hours of your spare time each week. It is estimated that each day nearly 200,000 new people log on to the internet for the first time. Many of these people looking for a home based business.

Some of these people will go on to create a full time income equal to or exceeding their current pay from their jobs. You need very little capitol to start a home businesses and you can work the hours that are best for you.

Developing an opportunity mindset is key to your business success. Your business success is largely determined by your thoughts. If you believe that you can be successful in your business you will be. Henry Ford once said " if you believe you can or you can’t you are right."

Self-motivation and keeping an optimistic perspective is vitally important. You must possess the desire to succeed and take action everyday regardless of what obstacles you encounter along the way.

Your level of success depends on the time and effort you are willing to put into your business. To reap the greatest return on the time you invest you must keep a positive outlook and maintain the belief that you will eventually succeed.

The author Norman Vincent Peale once said, "We tend to get what we expect." Are your expectations for your business ones of abundance and reward for work well done?

Everyday you must plant mental seeds of prosperity into you mind and nurture them. We become what we think, therefore develop the thoughts that will create the life you want to live. The key difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful person is their habits.

Develop the habit of being a power of intelligence and positive expectancy in your business and interactions with others. Cultivate patience and practice the work habits that will get you the results you desire.

Your mind is goal-seeking mechanism. Set large goals for yourself and others and work daily on achieving them. The purpose of setting goals is for you to decide exactly what it is that you want. You must clearly understand where you want to go before you can expect to arrive there.

The philosopher Aristotle wrote that all behavior is "teleological" or purposeful- aimed at a goal. The one factor that governs your actions is your desire that you would be better off than you would be in the absence of your actions.

Stay positive and focused on your home business continually reminding yourself of your purpose. What ever we focus on becomes our reality. Continually focus on where you want to be and that is the direction you will go.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Avoiding Spam, Scams and Computer Viruses

One of the most popular pages on is about
avoiding scams, hoaxes and urban legends on the Internet
( Here are a
few ways to avoid some of the perils associated with being
connected to the rest of the world.

As a general rule of thumb, beware of any offer that sounds
too good to be true. This applies to products being offered
on the Internet and especially to any unsolicited offer or
spam you receive in your email. Many of these are scams.

The term "spam", in case you don't know, refers to any
unsolicited bulk email. If it's not addressed to you, or
you don't recognize the sender, or you're being asked to
buy something or pass along questionable information, then
that's spam. My advise is to "can the spam" by immediately
deleting any email you receive from anyone you don't know.

The best way to avoid spam, is to be very careful about who
you give your email address to. My advise here is to set up
a free email account and to give this email address to
anyone you don't absolutely trust with your personal
information. It almost never does any good to fight back
against spam. Your best course of action is just to delete
any unwanted email.

A trick that has been pretty successful for me is to set up
an email rule (or filter) that automatically sends any mail
not addressed to me to a special folder. Most of this is
spam and can be easily disposed of.

In addition to spams and scams, the other thing to watch
out for on the Internet is hoaxes, urban legends and false
information. There are many of these floating around the
Internet these days. Beware of any email that asks you to
send money for any cause, or to forward the email to all
your friends. Almost all of these are hoaxes. An excellent
resource for information on hoaxes, urban legends and false
information is

Another category of hoaxes involves virus warnings. If you
receive information that indicates you can get a computer
virus from doing anything except opening an email
attachment or running an application, then this is probably
false information.

Most computer viruses are spread by users opening email
attachments that contain the virus. NEVER OPEN AN EMAIL
the sender, make sure the attachment is legitimate before
opening it. It is much safer to delete any questionable
attachments and ask the sender to resend them than to
assume that the sender intended to send that email.

Your best defenses against computer viruses are: 1) caution
in downloading programs from questionable sources,
2) regularly scanning your drive with virus protection
software, and 3) backing up all your important data to a
different drive or media (floppy, Zip or CD-ROM) as soon as
possible. By doing all of these, if your system does get
infected, you can restore it with a minimum of hassle.

Always check out any offer or information you receive
before sending any money or forwarding the information
to someone else. That way you can rest easy knowing you
aren't getting scammed or passing along an urban legend.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Do you need computer training?

The answer is yes, sooner or later you will need some computer training. As computers evolve and new software becomes available people are finding it important to keep up on their computer skills.

If you work in office environment for example, you may be faced with a situation where your employer purchases a new piece of software in the hopes that it will help his company become more efficient. As a result, you may be required to learn to use this new piece of software. Even if you work in a warehouse this new software may required that you need to enter inventory and print packing slips.

Do you need to know everything about the software? The answer is no, you by no means have to become a computer expert. Just acquire the skills that will allow you to use the software as efficiently as possible in your day to day activities. Here are some ways to gain those computer skills.

1.The software manual. Take some time to briefly read the titles and summaries. By doing so when you come across something you are not sure how to do you may think, "I remember reading something about that" and quickly find it again in the manual.

2.Software specific books. These are books you can purchase at most major book stores. They are quite often written by people who are experts with the software. The text is often followed by examples which may make it easier for you to understand and therefore you learn quicker.

3.CD tutorials. With some of the more popular software you may be able to purchase a CD tutorial. These training aids take you through step by step the different functions of the software. By "doing", as you are learning you are more often to remember these various functions.

It's never to late to start computer training. The skills you learn today may be all you need to get that promotion or qualify for that new job. Taking the initiative to upgrade you computer skills shows your employer or potential employer that you are able to adapt to the every changing computer workplace.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What Is Computer Programming ?

Computer programming in plain language, is giving instructions to a computer to do something. Technically it is actually giving instructions to the microprocessor - the brain of a computer. If the instructions are only for the microprocessor, why a computer is so complicated with numerous types of hardware accessories? All the other hardware are to support the function of feeding the instructions to the microprocessor, and conveying the result from the microprocessor to its user - which can be a human or another computer or hardware. Every time you want a computer to do something you have to give the instructions. Luckily people are smart enough to figure out that since we might want the computer to repeat the same process over and over again, we better store the instructions into a permanent storage - hard disk, CD, flash memory etc. The stored instructions are called COMPUTER PROGRAM or computer software and the act of arranging the instructions is called COMPUTER PROGRAMMING and the person that is responsible to arrange the instructions is called .....COMPUTER PROGRAMMER you see the pattern here? On the lowest level, a microprocessor only understands a limited set of instructions. To a microprocessor the instruction sets and data are read in “binary” form. Binary means 2 states – such as in on and off, high and low, left and right. To make it easier mathematically, binary normally is represented by 1 and 0. Electrically, 1 represents high voltage and 0 represents low voltage. On the hard disk, program instructions look just like a stream of 1s and 0s. But a microprocessor reads in the stream one chunk at a time. Among normal chunk sizes are 8, 16, and 32. Chunk size is normally referred to as instruction size. One binary data (that can be a 1 or a 0) is called a “bit”. For example a data “1001” is a 4 bit data. Where first bit is 1, second bit is 0, third bit is another 0 and the fourth bit is 1. Bit is the computer terminology for “chunk”.How instructions can be represented by bits?One bit data can only represent 1 out of 2 possible states – either 1 or 0. Which in real world can be used to represent things such as on or off, high or low, black or white – any 2 states condition? If we increase the instruction size to 2 bits, then we can represent 4 instructions – 00, or 01, or 10 or 11. If we increase the size to 3 bits then we can represent 8 possible instructions – 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110 and 111 If you notice the trend from the above examples is that maximum possible number of instructions is the power of 2 of the bit size. That is 2 bits can represent maximum of 2^2 (which is 4) instructions, and 3 bits can represent maximum of 2^3 (which is 2x2x2 = 8) instructions. So 8 bits data can represent maximum of 2^8 (2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 256) instructions (or states) and 32 bits data can represent 2^32 (4,294,967,296) instructions. You can actually read a program stream contents using certain editor – normally called HEX editor. Using these special text editors you can look at the instructions in binary, hexadecimal, octal, and decimal format. I’ll cover the details of what each of the above format (hex, oct and dec) means in other article.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why Build Your Own Gaming Computer?

Why Build Your Own Gaming Computer?
The best way to get the gaming computer that you want, that will provide optimum performance is to build your own computer. If you think you do not have the technical knowledge or are not capable of building a computer you are wrong. I'm pretty certain that I could teach my mother (who has a hard time working a VCR) how to build a computer. If you can plug a sweeper into a wall outlet and use a screw driver, you too can build a computer.What The Computer Manufacturers Don't Want You to Know!Manufacturers don't want you to know how easy it is to build a computer because they make their living selling complete computers. The truth is that manufacturers focus on selling a computer with an overall low price tag to entice people to buy. They use the processor and software as the primary selling point. In most cases other than the processor and maybe the graphics card you have no idea what components they actually use. Alienware is one of the rare exceptions. They tell you for the most, part what components they are using. However, this doesn't mean that these are the best components on the market. Every manufacturer gets regular visits from sales people convincing them that they should use their products. Just because a company gives them the best deal on a power supply that allows them to increase their profit margin on the computers they sell doesn't make it the best power supply. This often leads to the use of inferior products for the sake of profit.The Advantages To Building Your Own ComputerBy building your own computer you are assured of getting the highest quality because you have painstakingly researched every component. If you've ever wondered why your store bought gaming computer with the top of the line graphics card and ultra fast CPU is still having trouble running newer games, it is likely because they stuck you with an inferior power supply, cheap motherboard, inadequate RAM, and the list goes on. In my mind it makes sense to build your own computer.Warranties and Technical SupportIf you are worried about warranties, you need not be. In most cases you can get a manufacturers warranty on every component you buy. As for technical support, I've had much better luck with getting questions answered through friendly helpful forums on the internet than I ever have from technical support lines. Not to mention you don't have to pay to sit on hold.Upgrades Are Painless And FastWhen you build your own computer upgrades are a snap. You've already put it together so switching a hard drive or changing the graphics card is extremely easy. For instance I just upgraded my graphics card. It took me longer to unplug everything from the back of my tower than it did to swap the graphics card. All in all I was up and running with the new drivers installed in about 10 minutes. If you are impatient like I am taking your machine to a store to have it upgraded just isn't worth the wait.How To Build Your Own ComputerI hope I've convinced you to build your own computer. It is a very rewarding experience. As I've said it isn't very difficult. I do however recommend that you do your research. There are several good books published on the topic such as "Build Your Own PC", by Morris Rosenthal. You can also find a great deal of information regarding building computers and computer hardware at my website, a site that provides computer hardware reviews, buying guides, and tutorials on building computers.


Sunday, April 12, 2009


Most people refuse to believe they need it. After all, their computer is in their office or home and only turned on by them. They no longer use diskettes and their e-mail is checked with the latest and greatest virus checker.

Just try to advise your Boss, Mom, Dad, brother or sister that someone could hack into their home or office computer and look at their files. Watch their reaction. Most of them will say: “Well if someone really wants to take the time to view my files, let them. I have nothing of value on that computer anyway.” This is the same reaction consultants receive from clients.

So nothing of value is on your computer? What about Turbo Tax? If you did your taxes last year, then your social security number is on your computer. If you do online banking, then your bank account is on your computer. What about your financial statement, your genealogy, your passwords? Oh, you have passwords on your Accounting Files! Ha! Check out

So now let’s talk about the real world. Okay, a phone line, or DSL or Cable line is a TWO WAY FLOW. There’s a key word here, a TWO WAY FLOW! Now you think in a skeptic way, that this article is going to give you scare tactics so it can sell you on the latest and greatest virus checker. Nope, to plug the security leaks in your computer is absolutely free. You don’t even have to pay for shipping, keep reading.

If it’s free, then why didn’t my computer consultant tell me about it? You wouldn’t believe how many updates will need to be installed. My Toshiba Windows XP system is barely 2 years old, and Windows had 49 + 18 + 2 updates. Why do I list them in that manner? First you must install the first 49, then another 18 are found, then an additional 2 more.

These are not just software updates, these are Security Updates. Now you think there is no way; my machine would need all these updates. Besides how bad could this security stuff be anyway? There’s that “I don’t have stuff of value on my machine attitude again.” Okay, with every security patch, Microsoft has issued the following information:

“An issue has been identified that could allow an attacker
to compromise a computer running Windows and gain
complete control over it. You can help protect your
computer by installing this update from Microsoft.”

Still don’t believe? Then see for yourself, and go to www.windowsupdate, and view the updates you haven’t installed. But wait, there’s more! You can order the CD for FREE, totally free; no shipping charges. Where? Go to this website:

I still didn’t fully answer why consultants don’t tell their customers these updates exist. With each update, a client may experience a change or problem. For example, when we installed the Security Update CD a few weeks ago, we could no longer open e-mail attachments. On the web we discovered that when the update installed, it also changed a setting in Outlook Express under Tools, Options, Security. The update put a checkmark on “Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus.” This little checkmark rendered several clients unable to work, because they could no longer open any attachments, On Microsoft’s website, this article appeared:

On another client’s machine, she could no longer open the database in Versa Check Software. That company also had a patch to fix it. However, our clients had to pay for our research to find and fix the problems the updates created. Then it appears to a client, that their consultant has found a way to “once again” hit their pocketbook. We are no longer heroes in this industry. We have now become the villains in league with Microsoft. This has led many consultants to a policy of “if they don’t ask, don’t tell.” But the real truth is: If you do not do the updates, then you become a bigger victim, via a virus, or an identity theft victim! It’s your choice!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Do I Need Anti Virus Software For My Computer?

If you've recently purchased a computer, or are just learning about using email and the internet, you may have heard about computer viruses and anti-virus software. You may be wondering if this is something that you should be concerned about, and if so, what you should do about it. This article will attempt to answer these questions for you.

First, you may be wondering just what a computer virus is. Basically a computer virus is one of many types of small programs that install themselves on your computer without your consent. Usually they enter your program through an email, or while you are browsing a website.

When these programs run, usually without you knowing, they can cause all types of problems with your computer. Some viruses can be mildly annoying, slowing down your computer as they use your computer's resources for another purpose. Others can be very dangerous, collecting your personal information and sending it to another party, or damaging your hard-drive.

True to their name, viruses are able to use your internet connection and email program and send themselves to the computers of other people you know, spreading themselves just like a contagious disease.

Because of this, just like the health of your body, when it comes to computer viruses, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is much easier to prevent viruses from entering your computer than it is to get rid of them and cure your computer once it becomes infected. This is why Anti-Virus software is important.

Once you realize that you need anti-virus software installed and running on your computer, you'll have to choose which one to purchase and install. This can be a complicated process, but here are some tips to make it a bit easier.

First, check your computer to see if it came with anti-virus software. Many new computers are shipped with anti-virus programs already to go on them, you just need to turn them on. Check your instruction manual to see if this is the case with your computer.

Check with the vendor. If you purchased your computer from a local retailer, check with them to see what anti-virus program they recommend. They should be more than willing to help you and may even be able to provide you with a discount since you purchased a computer from them.

Once you have your anti-virus installed and running on your computer, be sure to contact the software's support if you have any questions. It is also important to keep your software updated. Many of these programs will automatically update themselves when you are online. This is very important since new viruses are always appearing and you want to make sure your computer is protected.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spyware Programs That Slows Down Your Computer System Watch Out For It

Spyware is a program that once loaded on your computer unknowingly collects information from your PC and sends it to another party. The most dangerous types of Spyware programs copies personal information that you would not share with anyone such as passwords, files and credit card numbers.

Other types of spyware programs act as a forced advertising program. The program will track your keystrokes and web surfing habits. Once the program, and company running it, knows your habits they will try to change your web page to get you to go to specific sites and purchase something or surf on their site.

The corporations who create and distribute spyware, get many benefits from their dishonest marketing practices. They can build up a huge database of so called opt-in marketing participants, sell you their own products or terrorize you with unwelcome pop-ups.

They’re counting on the fact that a lot of web surfers don’t know that the program is on their computer. The few that do know that they have spyware programs, don’t know how it got there and how to prevent themselves from getting it again.

Spyware usually get on your computer when you download unverified programs online. Everyone eventually downloads something from the internet. Spyware software is usually attached to some kind of free software. The software could be games, wall paper programs, music files or file swapping software. Most web surfers will not take the time to read the long disclaimers and terms of use that are attached to freebies on the web. This is where you will usually find a line in the agreement that states that extra programs are attached to your free download.

Other time, it is clear that there are extra programs but their purpose and functions are not explicitly explained. Almost any program can be described as a user friendly application to help you enjoy your surfing experience. Make sure that you read the fine print before you download and save anything on your computer.

The best way to combat spyware is to not let it into your computer system. You should never download free software unless you trust the source of the software. You won’t find too many spyware programs coming from the larger, more reputable corporations in our society. They depend on selling real products to make money instead of trickery and stealing your personal data. You should get a copy of several commercial applications that you can use in addition to your AntiVirus software to detect and remove these intrusive software pests.

To find out more about pop-up killers and other spyware removal programs, visit the ebook and information directory at


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Work At Home Computer Jobs Are Numerous In Numbers

Work at home computer jobs is now available in significant numbers. With the Internet, many opportunities have opened up for people to work at home and take care of their families in the process. Most work at home computer jobs are not highly technical jobs that require expensive training. Many of these jobs take advantage of various common skills such as sewing, writing, and teaching.
With a work at home computer job you control your hours. You can work full or part time, whenever you want.

You must be careful when selecting a work at home computer job. There are many companies that seek to rip off their customers and offer high hopes and little else. Be weary of offers that sound too good to be true. They probably are.
Before you invest money in a work at home computer job, be wise and contact the Better Business Bureau or the Small Business Administration for advice on selecting a work at home computer job.

There are work at home computer jobs that use every talent imaginable.
Here are some work at home computer jobs that you may wish to check into: consumer opinions, data entry, freelance artists, legal assistant, medical transcription, translators, and web surfers.

Even though some work at home computer jobs are scams, most are legitimate. Estimates say that approximately 40 million people work at home in some capacity. With the Internet thriving, many of those home jobs are work at home computer jobs. Starting a home computer business will enter you in the ever-expanding e-commerce universe. Business to-business sales over the Internet will account for $2.7 trillion for the year 2004. Consumer products purchased over the Web will exceed $119 billion. With such growth, no wonder more and more people are considering starting a work at home computer job.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Work At Home Computer Jobs Can Give You Flexibility And Freedom!

Work at home computer jobs can be a rewarding and profitable business that you can get in on. If you have a home computer, basic software, and an Internet connection, you can start your own work at home computer job within minutes. Working from home gives you freedom and flexibility to control your own life. Set your own work schedule, be at home for your children when they get out of school. With a work at home computer job, you can start work early in the morning or late at night, whichever you prefer. Your work schedule will be determined by you alone.

Often, work at home computer jobs requires no investment. Some promise “pie in the sky” claims and seem to offer riches beyond belief. Unfortunately, sometimes their claims are. Online scam artists prey on those looking for alternative work opportunities. You may wish to contact the Federal Trade Commission for advice when searching for work at home computer jobs. Legitimate jobs do exist on the Internet that requires no up-front money or huge investments.

Many companies are now offering work at home computer jobs. With so many opportunities, you can have all the benefits of working from the comfort of your own home. One great thing about working at home is the freedom of mobility that you will enjoy. You can live anywhere in the United States and still have a profitable home-based job. Your employer or client may be located hundreds of miles away. With the computer, you can work in your living room in your pajamas if you wish.

Work at home computer jobs is available for almost every skill and talents. Some of the jobs currently being offered include: Internet research, medical transcription, data processing, accounting and bookkeeping, graphic web artists, and proof reading just to name a few. Check on the Internet for other opportunities for work at home computer jobs.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Work From Home And Make Money Online Using Computer

Would you like to Work From Home Using Computer?
If you would like to Work From Home Using Computer then please read on.
It's not as difficult as you might think to Work From Home Using Computer, but you must be very aware of all the lies that will confront you.
If you see Work From Home Using Computer ads such as "Make $100,000 in a month with NO WORK", then please you must understand that these are lies which are just hyped up to make you want to invest your hard earned money.
You can make money from the internet, but probably not by investing in things like these.
The best ways to make money, are to create your own product or service, or create a content rich website and place a few advertisements in there, or you could sell someone else's products through an affiliate program.
Those are the ways that you are likely to earn a nice income, possibly become rich. Hey it happens. Don't believe me? Search for anything you like on google. I guarantee you that most of the websites you find are there to make money some how.
The only ones that aren't are the ones that are made for friends or family members or other personal web pages. All the rest are there to make money or to satisfy the owner of the website to an equal degree.
How are you going to make your money?
Create a product:
Nice and simple. Because the internet is such a vast area, you can sell something about anything and there is more than likely to be a market for it.
Do you have specific knowledge about an area? Then write a digital book about it (Or ebook as it is commonly called) and sell it. Have a hobby? Write about it. Got a child? Write about how to cope with being a parent.
If you have a decent brain in your head, then you have the potential to make an information product.
Create a service:
This is a lot more expensive, depending on what you are doing. Sometimes you will need a programmer to sort out all of the coding for the service. But if you can pull this off, then you should be raking in the dough. However, I would definitely stick to writing an information product first, then once you have accumulated lots of money form this, start a service.
Create a content website:
Creating a content website is cheap to do (If you're doing it yourself), but is very time consuming. However, once you have plenty of content, which is search engine optimized, you can put ads on there and hopefully make a killing.
You can create many pages full of content, then display google's adsense ads on there. This means that you wont have to handle the delivery of the ads yourself, or worry about advertisers not paying.
Create an affiliate website:
This is similar to the above, but without displaying the ads.
Write plenty of optimized articles in a specific area, then go out and find someone with a product, become an affiliate, sell it on your website, and earn a commission.


Your Computer May Be Infected With Spywares

NOTE: Please take time to read on - it may be vital for your PC's security. If you are not in the mood, just save it or print it out for later reference.

A recent research revealed that 80% of the computers today is infected with these dangerous spyware and most of the users not aware of it. (Your computer could fall into this lot too.) The most dangerous fact is, even though the anti-virus software is running, these software can even inactivate them and take over your PC.

Have you experienced any of the following?

  • Awsome popups comes out of nowhere, when browsing the web

  • Home page reset to some other site

How can this happen?

- The components installed when viewing certain sites, starts up and running as soon as it's finished installing (or after the page is completely loaded) and with every windows startup since then. Their job is to collect information and report (or transfer) it to an external computer.

What is deceptive software? (Reference:

Spyware and unauthorized adware are two examples of "deceptive" software. Deceptive software includes programs which take over your home page or search page without first getting your permission. There are a number of ways deceptive software can get on your system. A common trick is to covertly install the software during the installation of other software you want such as a music or video file sharing program.

Whenever you are installing something on your computer, make sure you carefully read all disclosures, including the license agreement and privacy statement. Sometimes the inclusion of adware in a given software installation is documented, but it may appear at the end of a license agreement or privacy statement.

Sometimes deceptive software gets silently installed on your system without any warning at all. If you use Internet Explorer as your Web browser, this can happen if your Internet Explorer security setting is set to its lowest value. Make sure to keep this setting at the medium level or higher. Doing so will help you control what is being installed on your computer.

Have you ever had an experience where you were repeatedly asked to accept a download even after you said "no"? Creators of deceptive software often use such tricks to get you to load their software. If this happens to you, do not click "yes". Instead, try to close the Web page that first asked you to accept the download by hitting the "X" in the corner of the window. Alternatively, quit Internet Explorer and restart it to begin browsing the Internet again. If you visit a Web page that continually displays these tricky pop-up windows, that Web site may not be worthy of your trust.

Your computer may be infected by now, but you may not know. Just have a checkup with a software specifically designed for it, to know the status of your computer. You must clean infections once you find it and the game is not over yet. The spyware might reinfect your PC. So it's highly recommended that you run a firewall on your system after the clean up. This will allow you to monitor every single communication occurs with your computer and block the ones which you feel unnecessary. The firewall acts as a barrier between your PC and the external world (Internet / Network).

A good spyware detector recommended by most people is, and it shows you all the infections and potential dangers in great detail. It's free to scan but not to clean. It's a good idea to have a scan even you have no idea of cleaning, since you know the status of your PC in great detail. This gives two advantages.

Firstly, if there are minor infections and if you have a fair knowledge on registry settings and how to edit them, you may have a try to clean them up. Secondly, if it shows that there are major infections, you can avoid using credit cards and doing other confidential stuff, until you clean it up later.

You must run a firewall. In many new operating systems (eg. Windows XP), there is a built-in firewall. Google search on how to activate it. Others may try one at

You may have a question by now. What is the purpose of these spyware? Even though we cannot give an explicit and clear cut answer, we can safely state that every thing boils down to the urge of more profits. How? The spyware collects all your personal information and transfer it to an external computer. The information is reviewed by a software in the receiving computer and then deleivered targeted popup ads to your PC. There are many things that spyware does in addition to this. The most dangerous of those is that collecting the credit card numbers.

If you have some technical knowledge on your PC, here's a technical explanation on what trouble does the spyware cause.

1. An extra process is running to monitor and log your activities in your PC.

2. Constant transfer is taking place between your PC and the spyware writer's computer.

The first process in it self is an unneeded process and it contributes to slow down your PC. Second is the most harmful. It transfers logged info to the external PC (spyware writer's PC). Then the external PC transfers targeted popups to the infected PC. This, in addition to slowing down your PC because of these extra processes, it also slows down the internet connection, as the bandwidth is shared. In short, PC with a spyware is like a dumping ground for snakes. Once its there and up and running, it can do almost anything with your PC.

Please pass this on to all you know. The most risk is for people who use Internet Explorer, as it is the most popular web browser and that very fact has drawn more attention of many malicious software developers.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Keep Your Computer Virus Free

Computer viruses can and do strike at any moment.
They assault your computer by destroying data,and
rendering your system useless.The very first line of
defense is to boost your knowledge of these well
hidden malicious codes.

Malicious codes come in three basic formulas.Viruses
are small programs that reproduce themselves for the
purpose of causing some damage.

Trojan Horses are disguised as gifts which may come
as an attachment in your email.Once ran its purpose is
to cause do harm to your system as well.

Then you may come in contact with does worms which
cause damage by copying themselves over networks
as wells as individual systems.These codes alters not
just one system but several within a network.

After you enhance your knowledge of malicious code,
know the symptoms of an infected system.Strange
PC behavior,an increase or decrease of data in a file,
pop up messages,random graphics,and files being
deleted are some symptoms of your system having
a virus.

The best way to find and remove viruses is with the
installation popular anti virus software from Norton
or McAfee.These programs readily identify infections
as well as promptly remove them.

Norton Anti vitus installs easy and a configuration
wizard runs after the computer has been re-booted.
This software offers several options that give you
the best virus scanning options.Use the neat update
feature to keep up with all the new viruses.Their user
friendly configuration leave no doubt in what and how
you want this software to perform.

What should you do to prevent virus infection if you
don't have anti virus software installed on your PC?
We should all give a word of thanks for the Internet.
Rush over to one the free virus scanning services
which will scan your hard drive for malicious codes.

Trend Micro's Housecall scans your drive for viruses,
trojans and worms.They ask you to register first but
you can scan without registering.Why not go over to where you can go
Visit Symantec's Security Check site and download
their scan for viruses software which check your PC
for possible infections of any malicious codes.Go to

Don't do it.Don't say,yes,I will get anti virus protection
soon.It will be when you wait one day too many and
realize your computer must have a virus because it is
deleting files,randomly showing graphics,performing
one task when it should be performing another task,
and other strange things.Take the time or invest the
money for virus protection right now.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Simple Steps To Follow To Stop Computer Viruses

Hardly a day goes by when you don't hear about a computer virus in the news or from someone you know. As a matter of fact, there are well over 8,000 active computer viruses in the world in any given twenty-four period and 5 new viruses are introduced daily. The majority of computers will catch a virus through an e-mail attachment or link. Most viruses will use an infected computers address book to distribute themselves, so you are much more likely to receive a virus from someone you know rather than a total stranger.

However, the best way to identify whether or not any attachment could be a potential virus hazard is by looking at the extension (suffix) of the attached file. Hazardous file attachments are .pif, .exe, .com, .vbs, .bat, .bin, .dot, .reg, .js, .scr, .xlm and .dll. While this list is by no means exhaustive these are the definite ones to be on-guard for. In case you're wondering, catching a virus by file sharing is the second most popular way to get infected. File sharing whether you use removable disks, CDs, DVDs, memory cards/sticks or even synch cables can make your "never connected to the Internet" computer, vulnerable to catching a virus.

Protecting your computer from a computer virus infection is relatively easy if you follow these simple steps:

1. Put anti-virus software on all your computers whether they are Internet connected or not.

2. Don't open or download file attachments (attached files) in your e-mails. Especially the ones with the extensions .pif, .exe, .com, .vbs, .bat, .bin, .dot, .reg, .js, .scr, .xlm and .dll.

3. Don't click on links in the body of your e-mails.

4. Don't download software from web sites that you do not know.

5. Never install software on your computer unless you know where it came from.

6. Run a manual anti-virus scan for every 24 hours you use your computer.

7. Be sure that your anti-virus software is up-to-date. All anti-virus software products usually provide updates every 2 - 4 weeks and this service is free of charge to registered users for up to a year.

8. Received an e-mail from someone you know but didn't expect them to send you a file attachment? Call the person first, before downloading or opening the file attachment to confirm that it really came from them. Some virus programs are very good at making it look like they are just files sent to you from someone in yours or your friends e-mail address book.

9. Put firewall software on all your computers that are temporarily or permanently connected to the Internet.

If you follow these simple steps you should be able to stop a virus before it infects your computer.




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